
Register Litter Only

Use this option if BOTH PARENTS are already fully registered with us. For one flat fee, you get a registry application paper for each puppy or kitten, showing up to 4 generations of pedigree.
Here's a sample of the litter papers we issue.  
Questions?  Call us 9-5 weekdays Central Time 888-908-9299                                         

The Small Print:  Submission of this form warrants that you subscribe to the UNITED Code of Ethics, that the information provided is valid and not misleading and that you irrevocably agree that UNITED is not responsible if misleading information was given.  We reserve the right to correct or revoke for cause any registration issued.  Any misrepresentation on this application is cause for cancellation and may result in loss of all privileges at UNITED for those who violate the integrity of this application. UNITED is not responsible for any erroneous information, intended or not, on this application. Additional charges may apply if no pedigree is provided or sire/dam is not yet registered with UNITED; applicant will be notified before charges are incurred.